An armed cattle keeper fires bullets in the air to intimidate raiders as they prepare to lead their herds of cattle home after grazing at a camp outside the capital Juba October 18, 2014. REUTERS/Jok Solomon
Working in fragile states and conflict settings was a hot topic at the recent BRACED Annual Learning Event in Entebbe, Uganda, in February. Many BRACED consortia are working in contexts where there is conflict, lack of local government, political instability or economic crises. In these places climate vulnerability is often exacerbated by these other types of shocks.
We recognise that when climate risks intersect with other shocks, they take on new dimensions of threat. This is a new phenomenon with which all consortia (and many outside of BRACED) are grappling and which is affecting our abilities to build resilience. Although it was not confirmed on the official agenda, more than 25 participants representing approximately three-quarters of all BRACED consortia joined an ad hoc session to share experiences and identify lessons learned.
This post aims to share our discussion with the broader BRACED community and invite others to join the important dialogue that was sparked in Uganda.
In our short conversation, our collective experience converged on two priorities for resilience programmes in these contexts, and one potential research question.
Continuing the conversation
The brief ad hoc meeting gave us a taste of the value of sharing experiences in this area and uncovered a significant opportunity for ongoing learning across BRACED. We therefore propose a series of “learning calls,” that any consortium may join to share experiences or just listen and learn. Some of the topics for further learning that we would like to discuss are:
Tufts University (as part of the Building Resilience in Chad and Sudan (BRICS) consortium), will take the lead to set up a platform. If you would like to be a part of this learning group, please contact Anne Radday at Also, let her know if you have specific topics you would like the group to discuss. She will inform all those interested about the schedule and topics for upcoming calls. We plan to have the first call in early April and then monthly, with each call addressing a specific topic related to building resilience in fragile and conflict contexts.
From Camel to Cup' explores the importance of camels and camel milk in drought ridden regions, and the under-reported medicinal and vital health benefits of camel milk
Less than 5 percent of disaster losses are covered by insurance in poorer countries, versus 50 percent in rich nations
Age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and many more factors must be considered if people are to become resilient to climate extremes
A concern is around the long-term viability of hard-fought development gains
In Kenya's Wajir county, the emphasis on water development is happening at the expense of good water governance
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